I know that the Jesus Rev conference was the venue when Cindy Jacobs had imparted God's promises for the Philippines.. I had found the video below on YouTube before, but reading the transcript allowed me to savor the Word for us once more.
This is amazing to me, because a lot of these promises had been coming true before my very eyes. While most Filipinos give in to media lies that we are poor, actually, never has the Philippines experienced greater prosperity than today. Even though our old people look back to the glory days when they could buy a lot of stuff with only Php 10, never had the Philippines experienced such progress that web and TECH companies are hurrying to get a slice of the Philippines' buying public's attention. Never have the businesses been hurrying to run to our shores until today, until this hour of history.
While India had been Asia's darling for outsourcing in the years past, thanks to the thoroughly advanced technical, programming, and mathematical skills of the Indian people, reality bit America real hard, because though Indian labor rates are around 25% of Philippine rates, Indian CSR's had given American customers trouble via their British/Indian accent. What is worse is that, for my field, writing, Indian providers give copy that would actually pave the way for Western customers to pay 2-3x more than what they originally expected to pay.
That is why the businesses are now going on a full speed transfer from other Asian nations and into our shores.
Never has the Philippines been recognized as a key outsourcing provider until today! We have the perfect balance of RATES, and QUALITY SERVICE.
Also, with the news that had been appearing, especially with the oil opening up in our country, I am seeing the promises of God just rapidly coming true.
Also, schools' spiritual doors are opening wide. University of Makati, UP Diliman, Filamer University in Roxas, UP Los Banos, Central Philippine University... A harvest of souls is happening on a wide scale.
Youth are rising up, falling in love with God, and gearing to run for their destiny in Christ. Indeed, FIREBRANDS are rising up in our midst. FIRE is passion. FIRE is who God is. Our God is an all-consuming fire.
A firebrand, in my imagination, was one of those metal thingies that people used to brand cows with; but as according to New Oxford American Dictionary, a Firebrand is: a piece of burning wood. This means that a firebrand, as it gets consumed by the fire, actually touches other pieces of wood and allows them to be consumed by fire, as well.
BUT, on the figurative definition of FIREBRAND, guess what it means? Firebrand: a person who is passionate about a particular cause, typically inciting change and taking radical action.
MAN. Isn't that amazing?!
Hey, I don't believe that we'll be EDSA Umpteewhatever adherents, okay? I'm a passionate girl, but I HATE street rallies. They're like parties of rabid dogs barking up the wrong trees.
Instead, I envision a company of youths who desire to be so radical for JESUS that bus rides are no longer mere modes of transportation. Instead, for these youths, they would be praying for people they see, for institutions they see and discern needs with. These youths would desire change, not only for themselves, but they would desire change for their families, their school, their country, and ultimately their world.
But they would not bark up the wrong trees. They would speak life into their circumstances. They would pray about anything and everything, including where they get their tuition, where they get their next meals, and where they get their shampoos. They would then graduate to depending on GOD for the bigger stuff: the computers they need, the houses they want to have, the gadgets they need, but all with the understanding that they do not ask these of God because they're spoiled kids; they ask these of God because they know they need it, and they can use these for God's greater glory!
BUT MORE SO, these youth would ask for people's hearts. Indeed, they would be FIREBRANDS, people who infect other people wherever they go: infect others with passion, love and DESIRE for JESUS CHRIST.
These youth would be so lovesick for JESUS, that they would be crying day and night for HIS Glory to be made manifest on earth, they would cry out for HIM to come home and claim HIS inheritance. These youth would set aside thoughts of marriage, as long as God doesn't say "go," because they know that God has a partner for them. Instead, they are consumed by a desire to do His will: pray for people, and pray for more FIREBRANDS.
Regarding the Forerunner anointing, I believe that it is alive and kicking. I am a personal witness to friends and family who have been promoted by GOD to other nations: not for their own economic improvement, but so that they would be able keep the Good News, the Message rolling through the countries. Oh yeah, God is allowing us to trek nations like the islands of the Philippines, baby!
If we are quick to do His will, He will promote us!!!
The exposition had been done, and it will continue. More shaking will come upon our systems and our people, those who do evil and are corrupt; but for the blameless and pure before Jesus, BECAUSE OF HIS BLOOD, He is opening their eyes, their ears, and their lips, so that they can hear directly from HIM, and speak His words of Life!!!
And you know what? God told me this Sunday, as I was tantruming inwardly because there were things that I didn't like about the Catholic priest's sermon... As I had wailed to Him in my thoughts ("What on earth am I doin here?!"), in the course of our conversation, He said that regardless of the "flavor" of a Filipino person's being Christian: Catholic, Protestant, Baptist, Pentecostal, and even Filipino Jews, HE IS REMAINING IN OUR COUNTRY!!! Because we love and honor HIM!!! Isn't that amazing?!
What's more amazing is that Cindy Jacobs' prophecy is also saying the same thing. Hey, it was just a date between God and me, but He's saying the same thing to me, as He announced via Cindy Jacobs.
And you know what, YOU COULD HEAR HIM TOO.
Seek Him, and you shall find Him.
And with that, without further ado, I bring you Cindy Jacobs' Jesus Rev Prophecy, God's promises for the Philippines.
--Cindy Jacobs
The Lord would say to the Philippines -I am shaking everything that can be shaken so that no man can glory in what I will do. For I have waited for a generation that I could raise up a purity and a holiness in. And I am raising up firebrands!
There is a forerunner anointing coming upon the youth of the Philippines that will prepare the way of the Lord, even into the Middle East. Look and see what I will do in Mindanao. For I am going to visit in a way that you cannot imagine! I am coming to Mindanao, says the Lord, as God and the Lord of Hosts, and I am going to start appearing. As a sign that I am going to truly change the nation, I am going to show myself to the guerilla leaders. I am going to come, says the Lord, and I am going to begin at the places in the Philippines that have been the bloodiest; the places where the guerillas' insurrection have been the strongest. And I am going to come with signs and wonders and miracles! I am getting ready to pour out a miracle anointing upon the Philippines such as the earth has never seen! For Indonesia, they had a mighty rushing wind. But in the Philippines they will have the fire from heaven that will begin to fall! And this will be a purging fire! And I will say, I will visit even as if in a day, says God. Do not think that I am not able to come in a day and begin to unravel the iniquities of the nation, says the Lord!
I am going to visit the military. I am getting ready to come among the young in the military. And the Lord says, there's going to be a revolution of righteousness that comes within the military.
I'm getting ready to dethrone everything that needs to be dethroned, for even the bowls of heaven are full. Oh, I see the bowls in heaven are just getting ready to be tipped over the Philippines and I am going to spill out my glory!
And the Lord says, I will remove the shame that Satan has tried to put upon this nation! And the Lord says, look and see, for even the blood of the martyrs cries out from Saudi Arabia! The blood of the martyrs cries out from those Islamic nations, and my Filipino people that have laid their lives down. Do not think I haven't seen it! Do not think I am looking away! Do not think I do not see you! Do not think I do not see you, Philippines; for I see you! You are the apple of my eye! You are a treasure unto me!
This is the day and this is the hour when I begin to change everything, says the Lord! I'm going to change the judicial system. I'm going to dethrone corrupt judges. I'm getting ready to deal with the police force. I'm going to expose, expose, expose, expose!
And the Lord says, look and see what I will do! For I will open up my treasure chest from the Philippines! And I am going to release finances for the Philippines that will surprise and shake even Hongkong! For I am getting ready to move a distribution of wealth, says God. And I am getting ready to open the oil! I am getting ready to open that which is in the ocean! I'm getting ready to bring forth a revolution even in the economic systems, in the finance systems!
Look to the university in Manila, says God. For I am going to bring a revival that the-Oh my Lord!--- the Lord says, not hundreds, but thousands and thousands and thousands are going to get saved!! The Lord says, can I touch a whole university? Yes I can touch a whole university! I can come with my glory and I can come with my power in ways that you cannot imagine! For I am coming, says God! I am coming and I will remain, says the Lord!
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