Thursday, October 16, 2008

On Todd Bentley

I happened by two blogs regarding the Todd Bentley issue earlier today, 10/16/08, and I'm truly disappointed in Christians.

I was initially disappointed when some people from my current church had denounced Todd Bentley and lynched him for committing adultery.

I am currently fed up with all the talk flying about him, so I'm posting my manifesto once and for all.

If we care enough about the people around us, we pray for them and we restore them when they do wrong, right? We restore them lovingly, right?

Todd Bentley, had he been your friend, would have needed restoration, caring, love and understanding. Instead of slicing him to bits via shredding him through gossip and statements of "that serves him right!" you could have said a silent prayer and moved on.

How would you like it, if, you were the prophet, and in the thickness of satan's temptations and attacks on you, you fell into severe sin because the headiness of your own achievements and the power with which God had rewarded you with actually rendered you a little too drunk in the spirit that blinders had fallen upon your eyes.

Ohoo, don't think you're impervious to pride! Don't think you're so right all the time that you will leave no room for other people's errors!

I battle with pride on a daily basis, and these are just "secular," non-churchy, non-spiritual achievements! It takes a loss or two for me to understand that this is God's way of anchoring me, as opposed to flying off in self-deception!

Understand satan's schemes: he aims to steal, kill and destroy. He aims to strike the shepherd so the sheep scatter. And who are our temporary shepherds until the Bridegroom comes?! OUR PASTORS! So when a pastor like Todd Bentley is struck down, who are you to kick a reeling man?!

Understand satan's schemes: rebellion for the sheep, control for the shepherd, immorality for the unbeliever, love of money for the achiever, division among human beings to sow mass pandemonium.

We do not battle against flesh and blood, folks! We ought to fight with LOVE! With PRAYER!


And either way, again, we are not to fight against each other. We are here to restore each other, to help each other up. NEVER to tear each other down.

I'm just correcting those who are sowing more discord by criticizing this man of God.

A pastor I revere once mentioned, "God honors a stupid pastor even more than a rebellious intercessor."

Better heed now, as opposed to heeding when you are toasting in the fires of hell.

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