Saturday, August 2, 2008

What if? # 2 >>>Dancing for Jesus???<<<

I was, as usual, just ambling my way through the Internet today, posting my favorite songs on the Women Pioneers group site I set up where women from Victory Pioneer (and whoever else wants to join) can actually share music, videos, resources, thoughts and stuff.

I saw this video, which made me cry, because it reminded me of all the high school plays and productions that I had taken part in, for the glory of man.

I was also reminded of the play that Gigi had written and taken part in, in a role I would covet anyday, Nyaharhar, and I realized that this is time for another what-if.

Earlier, I had posted on a what-if that was mostly for boys: Parkour.

This what-if is something that women may now relate to: dancing.

We were called to worship, right? And Jesus won't come again till there is a concerted effort to worship Him, a chorus that resounds up to His throne in Heaven, our songs in unison.

So again, the gears in my head are turning, and I want to infect you, too.

What if... You danced your heart out to worship Jesus?

To the parents: What if we took ownership of productions like these in our children's schools and gave them to the Lord?

To the youth: What if we did dance like this for the Lord?

Would you take the call?

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