Thursday, July 3, 2008

For 12 Hours Only! E-Book Promo!

Okay, so I got tired of waiting for the publisher to get a move on, coz they get so many submissions, so I thought I'd make use of my Multiply "Fan Base" so that I could get to distribute a "first peek" of the book I finished. I'll be giving away 50 full copies for free, to be sent by email. The conditions are: answer this one question that I'll post below this, and the top 50 answers get my book for free! Promo runs from 10:30 PM tonight to 10:30 AM tomorrow! Time stamps later than 10:30 AM tomorrow will no longer be qualified. :)

Now, are you ready?


What is it that you love doing the most?

First 50 BEST answers win for yourself this e-book!


Oh my gosh. And the world crumbled beneath my feet. I thought all I needed to be was to be thinner and to have clear skin. I thought I would be content when I got thinner, when I got the curves and my face's bone structure had emerged. At that moment, it was then that I finally got hit with the realization that there is no wonder why even beauty queens profess that they struggle with self-esteem issues too. That moment with the mirror taught me that even as everyone around me praised me, and even as I had seen how beautiful I got, physical beauty should never be my yardstick for my self-esteem. Because like a black hole, vanity never gets satisfied...

You like it? Answer the question now! :)

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