Saturday, May 31, 2008

My Beloved

Every time I fall short, stumble, fall, the line, "I see no stain on you, My child" always comes to mind. It breaks my heart to remember that, every time, and I'm reposting so you could read and appreciate too. I first heard the song on Hope I can get a copy to share with you soon.

This is the true essence of our belief in Jesus, the Son of God, that we have been washed, and the Father sees the stain on us no more.

My Beloved

By Christ for the Nations

Verse 1:

You're My Beloved

You're My Bride

To sing over you is My delight

Come away with Me

My love

Verse 2:

Under My mercy

Come and wait

Till we are standing face to face

I see no stain on you

My child


You're Beautiful to Me

So beautiful to Me

Verse 3:

I sing over you

My song of peace

Cast all your care down at My feet

Come and find your rest

in Me


I'll breathe My life inside of you

I'll bear you up on eagle's wings

And hide you in the shadow of My strength

I'll take you to My quiet waters

I'll restore your soul

Come rest in Me and be made whole

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